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Joselyn Castellanos.
April 3, 2024
12:00 - 1:00 PM PST 1100 Terasaki Life Sciences Building (TLSB)
Natalia Ocampo-Peñuela
University of California, Santa Cruz
" “Resurveying Colombia’s birds one century later” "
Natalia Ocampo-Peñuela is a Columbian conservation ecologist who focuses on birds and using spatial tools for applied conservation. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Natalia is part of a group of Colombian scientists who together run the Colombia Resurvey Project. In this seminar she will discuss the approach of the resurvey expeditions, and some results from 7 resurveys after 110 years from the historic expeditions by the American Museum of Natural History. She will also share the story of an all-female resurvey expedition to honor the legacy of naturalist Elizabeth L. Kerr who explored Colombia in the early 1900s collecting birds.
EEB Seminar-Ocampo-Peñuela
Meeting ID: 939 0024 6411
Host: EEB Graduate Students