
EEB Course Petitions Procedure (REVISED Fall 2024)

Effective Fall 2024 EEB Course Substitutions Petitions will only be accepted via a completed through this myUCLA form. Next submission deadline is 02/28/2025.

Petition Protocol:

Students may petition courses to apply either to one of the majors, or to one of the minors.  Course petitions will be reviewed twice during regular terms (Fall, Winter, Spring) and twice during Summer Sessions.  The deadlines are as follows: 

 Regular Terms:  Fall, Winter, Spring Quarter 

  • Friday of WEEK 3 by 3:00PM (PST) 
  • Friday of Week 8 by 3:00PM (PST) 

Summer:  Summer Sessions  

  • Session A – Friday of Week 2 by 3:00PM (PST) 
  • Session C – Friday of Week 2 by 3:00PM (PST) 

Please be aware that the review may take a minimum of 10 business days.  Students who miss the published deadlines will need to wait until the next review period begins.  Students may begin to submit petitions no earlier than two (2) weeks prior to the deadline. 

Petitioning EE BIOL 199 or EE BIOL 198A/198B to apply to the Core Principles of the Biology major (Fall 2020-current)

Students may apply either one (1) 4-unit EE BIOL 199 OR the combination of EE BIOL 198A and 198B to one of the five Core Principles.  Your faculty mentor would be the one to determine which of the Core Principles your EE BIOL 199 or 198A/198B should be applied to.  Please have your faculty mentor complete this form.  Once your form is signed, please attach it to the Petition form here.

Click here to download the form.

Petitions for Lower Division Prep Courses

Students in all majors may request to have courses taken at other institutions to fulfill requirements in the Life Science Core Curriculum (lower division major requirements) evaluated for equivalency. Departments will require that students submit the course description and the course syllabus for evaluation. Contact information is as follows:


2305 Life Sciences Bldg. (310) 825-6614, (
Enrollment E-mail:
E-mail for Course Equivalency Review:

CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY (All Chemistry classes, e.g., Chem 14-series, etc.)

4006 Young Hall, (310) 825-1859 or (310)825-4660, (
Student Affairs Officer: Denise Mantonya (, Timothy Mahlanza ( , & Sarah Eguchi (

MATHEMATICS (All Math classes, e.g., Math 3-series, etc.)

6356 Math Sciences Building, (310) 206-1286, (
Student Affairs Officer: Connie Jung ( & Vaneh Hartoonian (

PHYSICS (All Physics classes, e.g, Physics 6-series)

1-707D Physics and Astronomy Building, (310) 206-1447 or (310)825-2453, (
Student Affairs Officer: Jazmine Vega (

STATISTICS (All Statistics classes, e.g., Stats 13)

8117A Math Sciences Building, (310) 206-3742, (
Student Affairs Officer: Laurie Laden (