
Michael Alfaro EEB Department Chair
Pamela Yeh Vice Chair of Academic Personnel
Paul Barber Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies
Morgan Tingley Vice Chair of Graduate Studies
Nathan Kraft Vice Chair of Community


By-Laws Coordinator

Responsible for updating the departmental by-laws and ensuring that they align with the most current Academic Senate regulations.

  • TBD

Legislative Assembly Representatives


  • Noa Pinter-Wollman (2022-2025)
  • Lawren Sack (2023-2026)
  • Greg Grether (2024-2027)

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Responsible for maintaining and updating of the undergraduate curriculum.

  • Paul Barber (Chair)
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD (Undergrad Advisor)
  • TBD (staff)

Departmental Awards Committee

Responsible for overseeing the Departmental awards program; (e.g., Faculty Research Lecturer, Distinguished Teaching AwardDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award, Woman Scientist of the Year, etc.)

  • TBD (Chair)
  • TBD
  • TBD(Graduate Student)
  • TBD (Staff-Chair’s Assistant)
  • TBD (Staff)

Faculty Advisors to the Departmental Webpage

  • Michael Alfaro
  • Paul Barber
  • Morgan Tingley
  • Nathan Kraft
  • Pamela Yeh

Incoming Student Trip

Responsible for planning a trip for incoming graduate students traditionally held at the start of Fall quarter.

  • TBD
  • TBD (Graduate student)
  • TBD(Graduate student)

Botanical Garden


  • Victoria Sork, Director

Faculty-Graduate Student Liaison (FSL)

Graduate Student Liaison to the EEB Faculty.

  • TBD (Graduate Student)

Graduate Admissions & Support Committee

Responsible for coordinating the acceptance and admission of new grad students, and support offers.  

  • Morgan Tingley (Chair)
  • TBD
  • TBD(Graduate Advisor)
  • TBD
  • TBD (Graduate student)
  • Eileen Mansoorian (Staff)
  • Denise Lopez (Staff)

Graduate Research Awards Committee

Responsible for nominating EEB graduate students for various campus and divisional fellowships including the UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship. Most campus wide award nominations occur in April, though ad hoc award nominations may occur during the year.   Also responsible for nominating continuing students for annual departmental funding awards during the Spring quarter.

  • Morgan Tingley (Chair)
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD(Graduate student)
  • Denise Lopez (Staff)

MBQ/FBQ Committee

Responsible for overseeing the department’s MBQ and FBQ programs including planning upcoming locations/quarters.

  • TBD (Chair)
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • Jessica Angus (Staff)

Faculty Undergraduate Advisor

Faculty responsible for review of undergraduate student petitions and consultant to the Curriculum Committee.

  • TBD

Academic Personnel Committee

Responsible for coordinating the departmental review of academic personnel concerns.

  • Pamela Yeh (Chair)
  • Kirk Lohmueller
  • Lawren Sack
  • Nandita Garud
  • Felipe Zapata

Seminar & EcoEvoPub Committees


  • Stepfanie Aguillon (Co-Chair)
  • Jamie Lloyd-Smith (Co-Chair)
  • TBD (Graduate student-Dept Seminars)
  • TBD (staff-Chair’s Assistant)
  • TBD (Graduate student-EcoEvoPub)
  • TBD (Graduate student-EcoEvoPub)

Graduate Curriculum Committee

  • Morgan Tingley (Chair)
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • Denise Lopez (Staff)
  • TBD (Graduate Student)
  • TBD (Graduate student)

Biological Sciences Council (BSC)

Graduate student representative for EEB on the BSC.

  • Chris Sayers (Graduate student)

Faculty Graduate Advisor

Responsible for supporting graduate student progress by serving as a liaison between graduate students, staff, faculty, and chair.

  • TBD

Research Day Committee

Responsible for planning the Research Day and Awards Ceremony in the spring quarter.

  • TBD (Director)
  • Nathan Kraft
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • Jessica Angus (Staff lead)
  • TBD (Staff-Chair’s Assistant)

Dive Safety Board

Responsible for overseeing the UCLA Scientific Diving Program.

  • Paul Barber (Chair)
  • David Jacobs
  • Peggy Fong


Responsible for working with College Development to create and increase funding to department.

  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD (Staff-Chair’s Assistant)

EvMed Program Committee

Responsible for managing the Evolutionary Medicine MS and undergraduate minor programs, as well as their curriculums. At the Graduate level, reviews EvMed admission files and forwards recommendations to the GAC.

  • TBD (Chair)
  • TBD
  • TBD

Professional Development Committee

Responsible for coordinating professional development events for graduate students.

  • TBD (Graduate student)
  • TBD (Graduate student)

Graduate DWQE Coordinator

Responsible for overseeing the Departmental Written Qualifying Examination for MS and PhD students.

  • Brad Shaffer

Hacky Hours Committee

Responsible for coordinating Hacky Hours for graduate students.

  • TBD (Graduate student)
  • TBD (Graduate student)

Committee for Anti-Racism and Equity (CARE)

The ad-hoc Committee for Anti-Racism and Equity (CARE) is charged with providing oversight and recommendations on departmental practices to advance non-discrimination, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within EEB, viewed through the lens of anti-racism.

  • Nathan Kraft (Chair)
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD (Postdoc)
  • TBD (Graduate student)
  • TBD(Graduate student)
  • TBD (Staff)

Revised July 15, 2024