Chuliang Song

Assistant Professor

lab website

Research Areas

Conservation Biology, Ecology, Quantitative Methods, Theory

Research Interests

I am a theoretical and computational ecologist. My research program aims to forecast the dynamics of ecological systems under unforeseen environmental conditions, and under incomplete information about the entire system. To this end, my work centers on developing rigorous theory through interdisciplinary tools, devising monitoring-applicable metrics, and validating these approaches with empirical data from a broad range of ecosystems.

Selected Publications

Chuliang Song, Muyang Lu, Joseph R. Bennett, Benjamin Gilbert, Marie-Josée Fortin, Andrew Gonzalez (2023). Reconceptualizing beta diversity: a hypervolume geometric approach. BiorXiv.
Chuliang Song, Benno Simmons, Marie-Josée Fortin, Andrew Gonzalez, Christopher Kaiser-Bunbury, Serguei Saavedra (2023). Rapid monitoring of ecological persistence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Chuliang Song, Tadashi Fukami, Serguei Saavedra (2021). Untangling the complexity of priority effects in multispecies communities. Ecology Letters.