Professors Emeriti

Clifford Brunk Molecular biological approaches to the study of evolution.
Martin Cody Community structure, determinants of diversity, density and distribution, interspecific interactions and adaptive morpho
Franz Engelmann Insect physiology, insect and invertebrate endocrinology.
Elma Gonzalez Cell and molecular biology of calcification in coccolithophorid algae.
Patty Gowaty Evolutionary ecology, evolution of behavior, sexual behavior, mating systems, sexual conflict, parental behavior, maternal effects, developmental plasticity, sex allocation, genetic parentage, ornithology
William Hamner Behavior of oceanic animals, emphasizing in situ observations at sea.
Henry Hespenheide The evolutionary ecology and biodiversity of Neotropical wet forest insects.
Steve Hubbell Community ecology; biodiversity
Ken Nagy Ecological physiology of terrestrial vertebrates, especially desert reptiles.
Peter Narins Auditory Behavior, Neurophysiology and Mechanics
Park Nobel Plant physiological ecology, especially agaves and cacti
Philip Rundel Adaptations of plants to environmental stress, focusing on mediterranean, desert, and tropical ecosystems; applications of environmental sensor arrays for ecological research
Thomas Smith Evolutionary ecology, speciation, and conservation of vertebrates, especially in the tropics.
Charles Taylor avian bioacoustics; adaptive sensor arrays; artificial life
Blaire Van Valkenburgh Paleobiology, ecology, and functional morphology of vertebrates
Richard Vance Marine, Theoretical, and Restoration Ecology
Eduardo Zeiger Plant physiology and photobiology; with emphasis in stomatal function.
Cheryl Ann Zimmer Population ecology of marine organisms, especially the role of hydrodynamic processes
Richard Zimmer Ecology and sensory biology of aquatic organisms; chemical signals and communication

[complete list of emeriti faculty]

[Emeriti Faculty In Memoriam]