We’re pleased to offer a variety of advising & counseling services. We have drop-in advising hours throughout the week for quick questions. Additionally, academic advising/counseling services are available both in-person and virtually for more detailed and personalized advising


WINTER 2025 – Week 9

Thursday, March 5, 9-11AM, remote via Zoom
Meeting ID: 916 8660 7965 | Passcode: 754386


WINTER 2025 – Week 10

Monday, March 10, 9am-11am, in-person, Hershey Hall 101

Wednesday, March 12, 1:30pm-3:30pm, in-person, Hershey Hall 101

Thursday, March 13, 9am-11am, remote via Zoom

Meeting ID: 916 8660 7965 | Passcode: 754386


Please know that advising time spent with advisors can range from 5-15 mins, depending on the number of students who are waiting with questions. Upon arrival, please check-in using the QR code in our waiting room, and an advisor will be out shortly to meet you

For detailed course planning and more concentrated time with our advisors, in-person and virtual counseling services via an appointment are still available.  Please schedule a 20-min advising appointment by clicking HERE. 


Counseling appointments are also available virtually. These 20-minute appointments are in a remote format for students who prefer virtual counseling.

To make an appointment, please CLICK HERE. Sign in using your UCLA Logon ID and Password. This scheduling feature can also be accessed through MyUCLA by selecting: Academics > Advising and Academic Services > Appointments > EEB-Departmental Advising > select the date, time, and format that works best for you

Undergraduate counselors will be available online during the following hours:

9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Utilize our Message Center for the following:

  • Enrollment in EEB Upper division courses
  • Graduation requirements
  • Major/minor declaration
  • DARS updates
  • College Petitions
  • Departmental Evaluations
  • Course substitutions (major and minor, field quarter or alternates)
  • Contract Courses (EEB 195, 196, 198A-D, 199)
  • General Department Information

Schedule an appointment for the following:

  • Academic standing in the major
  • Departmental Evaluations

Please note the following:

    • No appointments during weeks 5-7; due to enrollment traffic in the office
    • Office hours are subject to change
    • Weekly office hours are posted on the EEB Undergraduate Counseling BruinLearn and on the door of the EEB Undergraduate Office.


We are here as your guides as you embark on your educational journey at UCLA. We encourage you to take advantage of all that our department and UCLA has to offer.

    • Jessica Angus
    • Wendy Ramos

The undergraduate counselors answer questions about the following:

  • Lower Division major requirements
  • Upper Division major requirements
  • Minor requirements (as applicable)
  • Course substitutions for the Major or Minor
  • Global GPA – encompasses Upper Division major requirements only
  • Academic questions about applying to graduate or professional school
  • Pre-requisites for different programs
  • Other academic issues related to graduate or professional school


If you can’t visit us in 101 Hershey Hall, the MyUCLA Message Center is the next best way to communicate with us.

If you have a UCLA logon ID/you are a current UCLA student, please submit your inquiry HERE.

If you DO NOT have a UCLA logon ID, please submit your inquiry HERE.

EEB BruinLearn

To subscribe use the following link: https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/enroll/8ANPYB

The EEB Undergraduate Office will be posting information (i.e. office hours for each week, course advertisements, internship opportunities, etc.) solely through BruinLearn.


UCLA Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
612 Charles E. Young Drive South
Box 957246
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7246