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Stepfanie Aguillon

Assistant Professor

I am an evolutionary biologist and ornithologist with an interest in understanding how and why new species form in nature ("the speciation process"). My lab uses an interdisciplinary approach that integrates genomic sequencing techniques, field collections, museum specimens, and laboratory experiments. We leverage hybrid zones as natural experiments that test the boundaries between closely related species. Because hybridizing species are not yet completely reproductively isolated, they can help us uncover the mechanisms underlying the evolution of reproductive isolation and ultimately the process of speciation itself. The primary study systems in my lab are northern flickers (common woodpeckers distributed across North America) and live-bearing fish (Xiphophorus swordtails and Poecilia guppies).

Michael Alfaro

Professor and Chair

vertebrate diversification and macroevolution (especially coral reef fishes), functional and evolutionary morphology, comparative methods, phylogenetics

Priyanga Amarasekare


Mechanisms of diversity maintenance in variable environments

Paul Barber


Evolution of conservation of marine biodiversity, Coral reefs, Evolutionary and population genetics, Natural selection and adaptation.

Daniel Blumstein


The evolution of behavior and the integration of behavior and conservation biology.

Robert Eagle Tripati

Assistant Professor

Peggy Fong


Marine ecology of coastal ecosystems.

Nandita Garud

Assistant Professor

Population genetics; evolution in natural populations with a current focus on the microbiome.

Greg Grether


Causes and consequences of aggression and reproductive interference between species; character displacement; species recognition; evolution of coloration; the role of phenotypic plasticity in evolution; animal behavior

David Jacobs


Evolution/Development of Invertebrate Body Plans, Paleobiology and Marine Speciation

Rachel Kennison

Associate Teaching Professor

Nathan Kraft


Plant community ecology, with an emphasis on functional and phylogenetic approaches to understanding community assembly and species coexistence; tropical forest dynamics; biogeography and the assembly of regional biotas.

Jamie Lloyd-Smith


Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases; emerging pathogens and zoonoses; host population heterogeneities; integration of dynamics across scales.

Kirk Lohmueller


Population genetics; Statistical methods in evolutionary and medical genetics; genetic variation data

Glen MacDonald

Distinguished Professor

Glen M Sproul dit MacDonald works on issues of climate change and ecological and societal responses.

Peter Nonacs


Behavioral ecology and social evolution, using both theoretical and experimental approaches.

Elsa Ordway

Assistant Professor

Global change and forest ecosystems; remote sensing; ecosystem ecology; tropical ecology; social-ecological systems; land-use change; conservation.

Noa Pinter-Wollman


The emergence of collective behavior from variation and interactions among system components.

Lawren Sack


Ecology and physiology of plant species coexistence. Hydraulics of plant water transport. Evolution and functional consequences of diversity in leaf size, shape and venation. Forest dynamics and ecohydrology. Conservation physiology.

Van Savage


Effects of climate on ecological systems; species interactions; evolutionary dynamics; mathematical biology; biological scaling in relation to thermal responses, vascular systems, sleep, and tumor growth

Barney Schlinger


Steroid hormone synthesis and action in birds; hormonal control of brain and behavior in tropical bird species

Karen Sears


Developmental and evolutionary biology of mammals

H. Bradley Shaffer

Distinguished Professor

Population biology, landscape ecology, and conservation genomics of reptiles and amphibians, particularly in California

Chuliang Song

Assistant Professor

Victoria Sork

Distinguished Professor

Ecological, evolutionary, and conservation genomics of tree populations; evolutionary biology and conservation science of oaks; phylogeography; hybridization and introgression; molecular ecology of pollen and seed dispersal.

Morgan Tingley

Associate Professor

Effects of global change on biodiversity; hierarchical modeling; fire and Californian wildlife; ornithology; conservation.

Tina Treude


Pamela Yeh

Associate Professor

My lab is interested in measuring, understanding, and predicting the ecological and evolutionary trajectories of populations when they encounter novel environments, particularly environments with multiple disturbances or stressors. We are especially interested in how the stressors interact, and how these interactions ultimately affect populations. We incorporate field, lab, and theoretical tools in our work. We work on two systems, one lab-based, and one field-based. In the lab, we work on microbial evolution and how bacteria respond to multiple stressors, using antibiotics as stressors. In the field, we work on avian urban ecology and evolution, specifically on how dark-eyed juncos and house sparrows are affected by the urban landscape and unique urban stressors.

Felipe Zapata

Associate Professor

Evolutionary biology with a particular focus on plants from the Tropics, California, and Hawaii